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A R T I S T  B I O  &  C O N T A C T

Jim Lamb Bio Pic 960 px Photo by Teri Quatman.jpg

Photo by Teri Quatman

I have been making a living as a professional artist for over 45 years, first as a free-lance illustrator, and the past 30 years as a landscape painter for galleries and national art exhibitions.  Over those years I have created images for many corporations and organizations, wild life & sporting dog limited edition collectible prints and merchandising products, as well as specially commissioned illustrations for the Smithsonian Institution, the Pentagon, the U.S. Postal Service Stamp Program, the White House, NASA & the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, National Football League, and numerous movie studios and advertising agencies.


The KING of KINGS-Lion of Judah and the SPIRITUAL WARRIOR images represent my attempt at presenting, in visual form, Biblical truths about the nature and work of God the Father, Son & Holy Spirit as presented throughout the Scriptures and the challenge of the spiritual warfare daily faced by those who have chosen to walk the Christian life in the context of an increasingly antagonistic culture and godless world-view.  The reading of the symbolism pages for each image will give you a more detailed description of the Biblical truths represented in the images.  

C O N T A C T  M E 




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